It's time for our next family adventure - or as Dale Roberts coined - an Odyssey in our Odyssey. We've been planning our "North" trip  for about half a year but it snuck up on us and we were NOT prepared. The main thing we did in advance was have the kids vote on the trip (West - Yellowstone, Canadian Rockies or North/Midwest) and they chose the North/Midwest trip because it had more camping, less driving, and more horseback riding (that last part was Carolyn's input) and then figure out our route. We'll start at Niagara Falls (Canadian side), head to Toronto, then explore the West Coast of Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. We'll be camping for all of those stops (fingers crossed on that one!) and then we head into Minnesota and we wrap up in Chicago. 

With one week left to go, we realized we had so much to do (and buy). With several late nights we pulled it together and we're all excited to get started on our 2023 Family Adventure!